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Divulgaciones Matemáticas is a refereed mathematical journal of the University of Zulia (LUZ) and seconded by the Department of Mathematics (DEMAT) of the Experimental Faculty of Sciences (FEC). It is indexed in Latindex, Wordcat, Mir@bel, Mathematical Reviews, MathSci online / CD-ROM, Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik and REVENCYT. A volume consisting of two numbers appearing in June and December, respectively, is annually published.

The journal Divulgaciones Matemáticas is in the portal of Revistas Cientí.cas y Humanísticas de la Universidad del Zulia (ReviCyHLUZ) wich ofi.cial webpage is: produccioncientificaluz.org . Thus, the articles are identify with the letterhead of Sistema de Servicios Bibliotecarios y de Información de LUZ (SERBILUZ) . So that, the journal have two o.ficial webpages: divmat.demat-fecluz.org and produccioncientificaluz.org , where will be published the articles y it will may download in a free way. All these with the purpose to give more expantion and recognition to the journal.

Divulgaciones Matemáticas considers for publication unpublished works in all areas of Mathematics and its applications and specially welcomes the following ones:

* Logic.* Algebra.* Algebraic and analytical number theory.* Graph theory.* Combinatorics.* Zero sum problems.* Real analysis.* Functional analysis.* Operators theory.* Partial and ordinary differential equations.* Discrete and continuos dynamical systems.* Topology.* Differential geometry.* Geometry in normed spaces.* Statistics.* Probability.* Numerical analysis.* Optimization.* Convex functinos and bounded variation functions.The journal covers historical and expository works, and mathematics teaching in all its branches. It also includes a section of Problems and Solutions, which comprises problems that can be addressed by non experts and undergraduate students of mathematics.

Divulgaciones Matemáticas is currentlyactually published in a digital and free of charge access form. The refereering process of the submitted articles is double-blinded. The time of the whole peer review process is approximately two months. Divulgaciones Matemáticas only processes articles prepared in LaTex using the predefined template for the journal, which can be download from the "Guide for authors" section. The dates of receipt and acceptance are printed on each published article and the coreponding author's name as well. The journal accepts articles in Spanish and English.

Authors of published works in Divulgaciones Matemáticas keep their copyright, and are solely responsable for the content their works. The journal authorizes the partial or complete reproduction of the contents of the articles, as long as the bibliographical source and author(s) are cited

The journal is aimed to researchers, teachers, students and public dedicated to the study and development of mathematics at the national or international level. The ultimate goal of our journal is to stimulate interest in Mathematics and its dissemination at all levels.

Our postal address is:

Revista Divulgaciones Matemáticas

Departamento de Matemática

Facultad Experimental de Ciencias

Universidad del Zulia, Apartado 526

Maracaibo, Estado Zulia


Please write to this address including your personal information and your email address.